Paranormal Frequency Generator
Use the controls to select or play a frequency. Adjust volume using the slider below.
417 Hz
Clear Negative Energy
DNA Repair
Consciousness Awakening
Random Equal Energy
Balanced Energy
Deep Soothing Sound
Infrasound Visualizer
Below 20 Hz frequencies are not audible but can affect the environment and perception. Adjust volume using the slider below.
10 Hz
Disclaimer:The Paranormal Frequency Generator is provided for exploratory and entertainment purposes only. While certain frequencies and sounds have been associated with relaxation, focus, and other subjective experiences, these claims are not supported by definitive scientific evidence. The use of this tool should not be considered a substitute for professional advice or treatment. Results and effects may vary between individuals.
Prolonged exposure to high volume levels may cause hearing damage. Use responsibly and adjust the volume to a comfortable level. For optimal results, we recommend using quality headphones in a controlled environment. Always approach any claims or experiences with an open yet critical mindset.
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